Friends of Skagit County, WA - promoting livable communities and SmartGrowth in Skagit County

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    Preserving Skagit County's rural character by protecting the environment, supporting        sustainable resource based economies and promoting livable urban communities.


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READ comments submitted to elected officials regarding ordinances or actions. UPDATES COMING SOON!

Non-Motorized Transportation Plan

Burlington UGA Expansion Comments

Anacortes Critical Areas Comments

Mount Vernon UGA Expansion

Bay View Ridge Sub-Area Plan

Lot Aggregation

Rural Sign Ordinance

To read an annual memo and view a POWERPOINT Of Skagit County Planning and Development Services Accomplishments click the links below:

2008 County Planning Accomplishments ppt

2008 County Planning Accomplishments Memo

2009 County Planning Accomplishments ppt

2009 County Planning Accomplishments Memo

2010 County Planning Accomplishments ppt

2010 County Planning Accomplishments Memo

FOSC Quarterly Newsletters

 If you prefer to receive a paper copy, please contact us to request the newsletter by mail.  Not all these links are live, sorry.  Thanks!



Past Events Calendar


Skagit Co. Planning Commission Special Meeting Oct. 21, 2014 6 pm.

Topics:  Bay View Ridge Sub-area Plan Airport Environs changes to the 2013 Comprehensive Plan update;  Capital Facilities Plan, including the TIP (Transportation Infrastructure Plan.  All meetings are open to the public.  You can watch them on Skagit 21 live or on-line at the link above.


Planning Association of Washington - Planning Forums:  This workshop is part of a series put on for members of PAW.  If you serve on an appointed board or would like to attend the forum to learn more about planning, please contact the Commerce staff below, or visit Commerce's educational resources for planners page.


Date: Thursday, September 25, 2014

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Location:  Burlington City Hall Council Chambers

833 Spruce Street

Burlington, WA 98233

Contact: Anthony Boscolo Phone: 360.725.3062




We will reschedule at a later date.

Skagit Community Conversation #2

Saturday, January 11, 1 - 3 pm

Burlington Public Library

820 E Washington Ave, Burlington, WA 98233

A community discussion about land use and environment issues in Skagit County.  Open to the public.


From Defending Water in the Skagit River Basin Newsletter Aug. 11, 2013 - please read and tell your neighbors and friends to do the same.

Washington Administrative Code (WAC 197-11-444 lays out the environmental analyses that will aid in determining the outcome of Anacortes’ UGA petition (PL12-0258) related to Tethys. Dale Pernula, Director of Skagit County Planning and Development Services, gave an Aug. 1, 2013, explanation regarding Anacortes' urban growth area (UGA) petition to annex parcels related to Tethys' beverage bottling plant.

Anacortes UGA Expansion Hearing

(part of the proposed Tethys Water Bottling Plant)

The County Commissioners will hold a public Hearing at 6 p.m. on April 9, 2013 at the County Adm. Bldg., 1800 Continental Pl., Mount Vernon. Click here for PD&S memo on the proposed expansion. 

Comments will be accepted until April 15, 2013, 4:30 p.m.

Maps of proposed Anacortes UGA expansion (thanks to Tom Glade, Evergreen Islands).


SHORELINES PLAN COMMENTS EXTENDED.   Shorelines Program details and documents. The Citizen Advisory Committee meets June 19th at 6pm and again June 26, 2012 County Building, 1800 Continental Place, Mount Vernon.  This is an informal comment period to gather information and concerns from all Skagit citizens.  This is the first plan update since the original plan adoption, so changes need to be carefully reviewed and considered.  Additional public comments will be scheduled after the draft is sent to Dept. of Ecology and Commerce. Contact Betsy Stevenson at Skagit County Planning at (360) 336-9410 ext 5879 or for more details.

Click here for Shorelines Master Plan Update Open House Schedules starting May 28th....5 locations around the county.

20th Anniversary - Friends of Skagit County

Looking forward to the next 20 years


Experience the Power of


Saturday, JUNE 22ND

10 -11:30 A.M.


833 South Spruce Street, Burlington, WA.


As Friends of Skagit County celebrates its 20th year, networks of small community groups across America are demonstrating the ability of local citizens to identify and address issues that negatively affect them.  With that in mind, the Friends Board is seeking to engage members -- and the communty-at-large -- in a grass-roots approach to minimizing threats to Skagit County's rural economy and natural resources that support it.  Whether living in small communities or large cities, opportunities for shaping the future are virtually endless.


Please Join Us and bring your friends!

Common Good - Common Goals - Common Ground



As Friends of Skagit County celebrates its 20th year, networks of small community groups across America are demonstrating the ability of local citizens to identify and address issues that negatively affect them.  With that in mind, the Friends Board is seeking to engage members -- and the communty-at-large -- in a grass-roots approach to minimizing threats to Skagit County's rural economy and natural resources that support it.  Whether living in small communities or large cities, opportunities for shaping the future are virtually endless.

Please Join Us and bring your friends!

Skagit River General Investigation

May 7, 2012, Skagit County & the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Open House  4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., Skagit Co. Administrative Building, 1800 Continental Place, Mount Vernon.

The goal is to identify the challenges and opportunities associated with managing flood risk and to develop a watershed scale flood risk management plan.

The preliminary alternatives will be further refined based on public input and additional technical analysis. More info can be found by clicking  here.  Presentation will be televised by Skagit 21.

For more information, or to submit comments on the preliminary alternatives, please contact Daniel Johnson, Project Manager, USACE, or (206) 764-3423. Comments on preliminary alternatives should be submitted no later than May 24.


County Commissioners to make decision on the Proposal to Expand Marine Recovery Area in the Samish Watershed on May 29th.  Comments accepted to May 21, 2011


Dale Pernula, Director

May 10, 2012 - 4 pm to 6 pm

Skagit Adm. Bldg. Lobby

New Draft Regulations on Pipeline Safety The new draft ordinance is now available here [pdf]

On Tuesday, October 4, the Board of Commissioners asked legal staff to generate a new draft ordinance for pipeline safety that includes the following concepts:

Consultation with pipeline operators at 660 ft from transmission pipelines;  Protection of pipeline easements during construction;  Title notice for future property owners to understand a pipeline is present

The Board indicated it did not want the following concepts in the ordinance:  No setback requirements;  No other dimensional standards or mitigation requirements;  No language like "sensitive utility corridor overlay"

The Board set a public hearing for public comment on the proposal for Monday, October 24 at 6 pm, in the Commissioners Hearing Room and scheduled a decision for Tuesday, November 8 at 9:30 am. No previous drafts of the ordinance are under consideration.

The Board also directed the Skagit County Department of Emergency Management to produce public education materials about pipeline safety and plan for emergency response coordination. For further information, contact Linda Hammons, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, 1800 Continental Place, Mount Vernon, WA 98273, telephone 360-336-9300.

COAL TRAIN information- Cascadia Weekly article.

Blanchard Knob Proposed Development Maps

Blanchard Knob Proposed Development Map Narrative

If you live in the Alger area you will want to write a letter.  Please contact Transition Chuckanut to get more information about this proposed development.

Envision Skagit 2060
Please read to make your comments - Draft Recommendation Report   Full report is at

Skagit Valley Herald Editorial June 12, 2011.

Shoreline Master Management Plan (SMMP) Update Workshop, Wednesday, June 15 - click here.

2011 Annual Code Amendments Update.  A public hearing was held on Tuesday, April 5, 2011, related to Skagit County's proposed code amendments.  The Planning Commission requested that staff complete the "trailing issues", which include a lands analysis for the next meeting.  The May meeting is cancelled to allow for that work.  Next regular PC meeting is June 7th.

Related Documents

Skagit County Code 2011 Amendment Proposals

Skagit County Code Amendment Concepts 2011 Update

Notice of Availability, Public Hearing Notice

June Kite's testimony to Board of County Commissioners Hearing on Conway 59 home Rural Subdivision Proposal - Click here.

View the BOCC hearing on the County website at Skagit 21, Archives on Demand, Feb. 15, 2011.


Blanchard Knob Hearing before the Examiner Hearing, Wednesday, August 31, 2011 in the Board of County Commissioners Hearing Room, 1800 Continental Place, Mount Vernon, 9:00 a.m.

Complete Public Notice Blanchard Knob Development

Comment Letters Submitted Opposing Blanchard Knob

Comments due Aug. 30, 2011, 4:30 pm

Your views for or against the requests are invited either by attendance, representation or letter. Comments and/or facsimiles must be received by this office no later than 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 30, 2011 or be presented at the public hearing. Email correspondence will not be accepted however comments may be submitted with the PDS website under the current legal notices tab.

Skagit County Commissioners to host Guemes Island Community Meeting

Thursday, July 28, 2011, at 5:30 p.m.

Guemes Island Community Center, 7549 Guemes Island Road.  County staff will be on hand to give brief presentations and respond to questions and inquiries. Presenters include: Public Health Director Peter Browning, Sheriff Will Reichardt, Planning and Development Services Director Gary Christensen, Department of Emergency Management Interim Director Mark Watkinson, Department of Public Works Director Henry Hash, Skagit County Engineer, Paul Randall-Grutter, PE, Engineering Design & Construction Manager David Walde, Natural Resources Division Manager Dan Berentson, Operations Division Manager Cliff Butler, Ferry Operations Division Manager Rachel Beck.  Board of Skagit County Commissioners Chairman Ron Wesen, Commissioner Kenneth A. Dahlstedt, and Commissioner Sharon D. Dillon will all be present to discuss local issues with Guemes Island residents.  For more information, contact Skagit County Public Information Officer Emma Whitfield at or at (360) 419-7667.

Transit Oriented Communities Workshop - Thurs. April 14, 2011 Burlington Library 3-5pm Workshop; 5-6pm Reception & Exhibit. More info:


Envision Skagit 2060 Presents Robert Lang:  How regional growth will shape Skagit County & Northern Puget Sound  Wednesday October 27, 2010 7 pm, Lincoln Theatre, Mount Vernon. An open house to learn more about SkagitCounty’s Envision Skagit 2060 project will be held at 6:30 pm before the presentation.


Friends Drops Shoreline Appeal of Clear Valley  Mitigation Bank.  Is news coverage of controversial development projects fair?  Read these and see what you think.  Skagit Valley Herald 1st Editorial;  Skagit Valley Herald 2nd editorial and Friends Editorial reply Contrary to the news headline, Friends received $30,000 as partial payment for legal fees already spent on this appeal and withdrew the Shorelines Hearing Board appeal of the proposed wetland mitigation bank.  The settlement agreement provides that should the bank pay the County for its grading permit (up to $1.4 million) Friends will receive another $200,000 to establish a Citizen Land Use Education Program.  If the permit is not "pulled" the project will not go forward.   Friends still has legal bills outstanding, so please send your legal contribution today.  Thanks! 

 History of Appeals     click here. For background information on the Skagit County Hearing Examiner and Board of County Commissioner appeals please click here. Shorelines Hearings Board Appeal Filed but not Heard. Dept. of Ecology (DOE) okayed Clear Valley's Shoreline permits on Feb. 19, 2010 before reading FOSC's information (65 pages of info and maps personally delivered). Click here to read Friends information letter to DOE (no attachments).  Click here for Friends letter to DOE regarding their decision to approve the permit. FOSC filed the SHB appeal.  The Hearing was never held due to FOSC settlement with Clear Valley.

For more information on wetland banks click here.  Click here for more info on the original Superior Court appeal of the Clear Valley wetland bank.


NEW DATE - PLEASE NOTE !  Proposed Shoreline Master Program and Critical Areas Ordinance Chapter 15.40 amendment Mount Vernon Public Hearing rescheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010, 7 pm at the Police & Court Campus, 1805 Continental Pl. For more on the draft program click on MV-SMPAll comments not presented at the hearing must be received by 4:30 pm on the day before the hearing, November 15th.  If you have not submitted comments, please do so asap,  by fax (360) 336-6283; regular  mail to City of MV, Community & Economic Development Dept., Box 809, Mount Vernon, WA 98273; delivered to MV City Hall at 910 Cleveland Ave., between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday; or email to

FEMA Hearings about new 100 Year Flood Maps and Levels begin August 12th.

Flood Insurance Study and Maps.

FEMA Risk Assessment Study for the Skagit River Valley.

LOSING SKAGIT RESOURCES ONE BITE AT A TIME - State agencies and private projects are converting Skagit's resource lands (farms and forests) piece by piece.  Skagit County has permitted virtually all of these projects, citing the State's authority over local matters.  But the State Grown Management Act (GMA) gave land use decisions to Counties.  When is Skagit County going to take a look at the "big picture" and stop these conversions?  Write the Commissioners and tell them you do not favor the loss of any additional resource lands.  Click here to contact Skagit County Board of County Commissioners.

To read the public comments to Skagit Co. Planning Commission on wetland mitigation banks on May 5, 2009 - Click here.   Skagit County Planning Commission meetings are on the web.  Go to and click on Skagit 21 TV and the meeting you want to view. Skagit County Planning Commission meetings are now on the web.  Go to and click on Skagit 21 TV.


Thanks to Artists Cooperative Gallery 2nd Annual FOSC ART SHOW & SALE, April 5, 2009 at Pine Square, Mount Vernon, for hosting this fundraiser and donating a portion of the sales to FOSC.  Thanks to artists Anne Martin McCool, Anne McCain, Becky Fletcher, Molly McNulty, Joella Solis, Joe Furin, Steve Philbrick, Tom Pickett, Betty Miles, other artists and Michael Larkin for their contributions to this event. The gallery is now closed.  To contact Michael call  360-840-9842, artistscooperativegallery 


Western WA Growth Management Hearings Board hearing Case No. 07-2-0025c FOSC, Evergreen Islands v. Skagit County and the City of Anacortes.

This case appeals various issues on the 2005 Comprehensive Plan update, consistency with the Growth Management Act, county policies and other issue on rural Skagit development.


Preserving Skagit County's rural character by protecting the environment, supporting sustainable, resource-based economics and promoting livable urban communities.

© 2003-2019 | Friends of Skagit County | All rights reserved | comments|updated 12.31.19