16, 2003
Fleek, Planning Director
of Burlington
E. Fairhaven Ave.
WA 98233
Ms. Fleek,
Friends of Skagit County is committed to preserving the rural
character of Skagit County and promoting sustainable, resource-based
industries. Toward that end we have a
long record of supporting agriculture in Skagit County by opposing unnecessary
annexations of farmland and working to make our cities and towns more
We are
opposed to expansion for the sake of expansion. We are in favor of city codes and policies that direct development
toward existing communities, allow for and encourage compact building designs,
and create a range of housing choices.
We strongly encourage the City of Burlington to take a good look at its
code to see if it could be improved to encourage smart growth within the
existing City limits. You may find that
the 2020 growth can be accommodated within the existing city limits if more
housing types were allowed and encouraged.
There is no
justification in the Countywide Planning Policies for expanding Burlington’s
UGA toward the west or north. Unless
and until a real need can be demonstrated, there is no reason to do so. Friends of Skagit County is opposed to the
proposed expansion.
We are also
opposed to proposals that would allow additional/new schools to be served by
on-site septic systems, and to proposals that would take so much farm land out
of production.
conclusion, we feel that expansion of Burlington’s UGA is not needed and would
be in violation of the state’s Growth Management Act. We encourage you to vote to keep the boundaries as they are.
June Kite,