About the Growth Management Act (GMA)
Washington Legislature passed The Growth Management Act in
1990 to provide for growth and development, while
maintaining the state’s quality of life. Codified in RCW
36.70A.010, the state law requires the following.
counties must:
designate and protect critical areas
2. designate farm, forest and natural resource lands
3. require adequate water source before issuing permits
4. determine that new growth has provisions for public
largest and fastest growing counties must:
agree on county-wide planning policies
2. plan for urban growth areas
3. adopt comprehensive plans that include chapters on land
use, transportation, capital facilities, utilities,
housing, shorelines and rural
4. adopt development regulations that carry out
comprehensive plans
goals of the GMA are:
focus urban growth in urban areas
2. reduce sprawl
3. provide efficient transportation
4. encourage affordable housing
5. encourage sustainable economic development
6. protect property rights
7 process permits in timely manner
8. maintain and enhance natural resource-based industries
9. retain open space and habitat areas and develop
recreation opportunities
10. protect the environment
11. encourage citizen participation and regional
12. ensure adequate public facilities and services
13. preserve important historic resources.
14. manage shorelines wisely
The GMA authorizes three hearings boards, which resolve
disputes about jurisdictions compliance with growth
management. There have been 396 petitions since 1991 in
which local plans and regulations have been challenged.
Close to 150 cities and counties have adopted plans to
manage growth for a 20-year period. 14 counties have
adopted comprehensive plans. All 39 counties have to
designate agricultural lands, and 33 have done this so
About one third of cities and counties are still working
on their first comprehensive plans. Others are amending
their plans, including the development of sub-area or
neighborhood plans. Decisions still need to be made about
urban growth areas. Some municipalities have begun
monitoring the results of their growth plans. Changes
need to be made in response to new information about
population increases, water availability and other issues.
The Washington State department of Community, Trade, and
Economic Development has reviewed plans and regulations
and offers technical and financial assistance to local
governments. A Land Use Study Commission reviewed
land use laws and presented a report to the 1998
Legislature. |