Friends of Skagit County, WA - promoting livable communities and SmartGrowth in Skagit County

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    Preserving Skagit County's rural character by protecting the environment, supporting        sustainable resource based economies and promoting livable urban communities.


History of FOSC Accomplishments

Friends of Skagit County is the only local growth management advocacy organization.  The original founders understood the significance of the WA State Growth Management Act (GMA) and recognized that without an organization to manage growth,  the quality of life in Skagit County would decline.  FOSC was incorporated in April 1993 and was granted non-profit status by the IRS in February, 1994.  Using appeals and public participation, FOSC has continued to require the County to adopt GMA compliant land use rules and regulations.

From 1990 through early 1995, Skagit County government provided opportunities for public participation in GMA Citizen Advisory Committees (CACs),  but did not always implement GMA-compliant rules or regulations. Friends participated in the CACs and also appealed those regulations which were not GMA compliant  Since 1995 Friends of Skagit County has successfully appealed more than sixteen cases before the Western Washington Growth Management Hearings Board (WWGMHB).  Based on the outcome of Friends appeals, Skagit County was

  • ordered to designate and protect Critical Areas and Natural Resource lands and has largely done so.

  • ordered to adopt a public participation program and has done so.

  • ordered to make its urban growth boundaries more efficient and compact and has done so. 

  • ordered to identify rural commercial & industrial lands with specific designations and has done so. 

  • ordered to adopt development regulations to implement the Comprehensive Plan and has done so. 

Friends participated in the 2005 Comprehensive Plan update process, completed every 7 years.  FOSC encourages citizens to participate in local government decisions using an action alert email list, press releases and occasionally newspaper advertisements.  During public comment periods on government actions, the newspapers often cover the issue in more depth, publishing citizens’ letters and responses to proposed county rules and regulations.  Sometimes the general public has not heard about these issues until FOSC comments.

Friends has been the backbone of GMA enforcement in Skagit County. We are the only local non-profit organization with this focus and mission.  This is not easy work, but Friends has always stayed clear on its intent to protect the qualities in Skagit County which make it such a special place to live.  

Preserving Skagit County's rural character by protecting the environment, supporting sustainable, resource-based economics and promoting livable urban communities.

© 2003-2019 | Friends of Skagit County | All rights reserved | comments|updated 12.31.19